Platelet-Rich Plasma

What is PRP?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) has been come a useful tool in not only dentistry but to help promote collagen for facial cosmetic procedures. The procedure is very simple and the appointment is less than 45 minutes. 

What is the Procedure?

A small amount of your own blood is drawn out via IV, and is placed in a centrifuge machine, spun to separate the plasma from your blood. Then PRP is formed and ready to use and placed in a few quick injections.

What is Aquagold Micro Infusion?

If you have a big event coming up, this procedure is for you! Aquagold micro infusion is a skin therapy that can give you an incredible glow along with getting all the benefits of PRP in a quicker timeframe. It can help treat a lot of common skin concerns, including dryness, fine lines and wrinkles, and large pores. We can even blend a cocktail of serums to help address your concerns, including Botox and Juvederm.

What should I expect from the Aquagold Treatment?

The process is the same as for PRP, the difference comes down to the application. Dr.Bodneva uses their patented stamping tool, made with multiple hair-thin gold plated needles, that react to the skin and allow the product to flow through to skin tissue. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes, and your skin may show temporary redness which will go away quickly. You can use this treatment to even tackle delicate skin such as around your eyes and lips

Book an Appointment

Bodneva Dental Group is a dental practice specializing in Cosmetic Dentistry, providing the most exceptional dental care you can find.